When to hire a doula
Whether you’re a few weeks pregnant or further along in your pregnancy, there’s never a wrong time to hire a doula.
Breastfeeding & Supplmenting
I see a lot of posts from new moms stating that they’re supplementing with formula because their baby seems like their not getting enough after the breast and asking how they can increase their milk supply at 2-6 weeks postpartum.
Postpartum Hair Loss
During the postpartum period there is a decrease of estrogen and progesterone hormones which can have varying effects on the body, including an increase of hair shedding. You may begin to notice a few extra strands of hair everywhere… except your head!
What Is a Doula?
Regardless of the birth you want to have or will end up having, my job is to support you and make sure you have the necessary information and options surrounding birth.
Nipple Stimulation
Are you somewhere between anxious to meet your little one and ready to serve an eviction notice?
Nothing By Mouth Hospital Policy
Would you believe me if I told you your newborn can crawl at birth?
The information contained in these topics are NOT intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, it is provided for educational purposes only. Please consult with your medical provider further about topics you are interested in.